Monday, June 6, 2011

Love, hmmm?

    So there have been millions upon millions of stories, poems, songs, movies, sayings, advice and books about love.  How to be open to it, How to make love last, healthy love vs bad love, and How to find love all these topics covered and more within all of these sources listed above.  But when you find that love bug or even think that you have found it there is never enough advice, never detailed just right, or advice that builds your confidence and bravery concerning the love pursuit.  So every time you feel like a complete babe in the woods.  Expect for all of the past mistakes you made with your past love interests to way over you, so this does nothing but wreck havoc for that confidence or bravery needed to be successful in appealing to another mate.

    To overcome all of these hang ups and fears is something to be greatly admired even celebrated even if the results are not exactly what is desired. If there is growth and knowledge gained then the whole process is worth the risk of putting your self out there for someone you love.  But I am cynical of all of this advice and stories that makes admitting love and pursuing it as a easy and ending with a fairy-tale they lived happily ever after. IT IS HARD TO DO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then once you do it that is the moment of truth where this is deemed a win or loss. All of this comes down to rejection or acceptance of you. SCARY !!!!!!!!!!!!

But to love you must be brave mabey this is what the toll charge is for the marvelous gift of love?

Which to be???????

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